Online Mememorials


My sweet Sugar came into my life as an approx 18-month-old rescue. From our first day together, I knew she was different than any of the other 17 dogs I had had the pleasure of previously sharing my life with. She was a dainty 6 lbs, preferred to be held constantly, gave everyone kisses, was an excellent traveler and was as quiet as a mouse. Being a groomer, I always made sure she looked like the perfect little angel she was. I fed a raw diet to her and my other two “best friends, and was never over innoculated. Sadly, she was irreparably damaged by a grand mal seizure the first week of Jan. I provided her with 24/7 hospice care and kept begging her to go to the Rainbow Bridge so I wouldn’t have to do the unthinkable. I wanted her to pass away without any pain in her sleep or in my arms. Unfortunately, in the early hours, she became semi-comatose, began whimpering and showing signs of being in pain. My vet met me at her hospital at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Sugar looked at me for the last time with her eyes saying “It’s okay, Mommy, let me go. I’ll be waiting for you.” She was just a mere 3 lbs 6 oz when I felt her last heartbeat.
Run, play, be whole and healthy again, my sweet baby girl, Sugar. I look forward to the day I will have you in my arms again.