Online Mememorials


2012 - 2025

Quinn Perkins Terry-Humphries was born on or around December 12, 2012 in Dekalb County, Georgia. She spent an indeterminate amount of time with Dekalb County Animal Services before she was adopted by Jennifer and Jason Humphries on September 14, 2013 and has been a source of endless joy and laughter to them both ever since.

Quinn always seemed to prefer the company of her favorite humans over other animals. She was enterprising in always finding a way to get to the best treats, sometimes to the surprise of her guardians. She loved to travel with her humans, visiting multiple beaches and the mountains, even witnessing a rare full solar eclipse. Despite her full schedule, she was never too busy for a long nap and a snuggle with her humans. She was intuitive and always knew when a human needed an extra cuddle or a head on their shoulder or lap.

Quinn was mostly uninterested in films, but did enjoy watching videos of other dogs on youtube and was tickled by the Despicable Me movies. Always keen for an adventure and a bit of an escape artist, she sent her parents running through neighborhoods, nature trails, and once even a Little League game, when she gave them the slip. But she always found her way back home.

She loved her grandparents, aunts and uncles and her adopted cousins. We will all miss her, but are happy that we got to love her. Rest in peace, sweet puppy.