Online Mememorials


2019 - 2022

Luna you DEFINITELY were a dream come true cause I have always wanted a cat then you came along and I was just so excited to have you with me. I loved when I would look under the dining room table and see you under there just sleeping. I have always Enjoyed calling for you at night because when you would come running up you would meow and I would always love he your sweet little meow. Whenever you would play with all your toys and your sweet green eyes would get huge-so adorable. Even though you really did sleep with me I always enjoyed the time you did come and lay with me; I love whenever You would get in my face and I could feel your purring. I just love you sooooo much and I hope you know that. You where definitely a great friend cause you where such a cuddle bug and played so much. Rest comfy my sweet baby I will think about you every day and i will see you one day!! I love you x 100000000!!!