Online Mememorials


2003 - 2018

Gracie Belle aka G Force aka Amazing Gracie...
Words can never really do Gracie justice, because she was a force of nature. Part-lab, part-catahoula, part-angel, part-devil, all heart. She was an avid hunter, with the speed of a leopard, but couldn't stand to be alone or away from her routine. She was the ultimate retriever of rocks, figs, sticks, seashells, peanut shells and every item of clothing- whether it needed retrieving or not. She would show her fierce teeth, and her bark could be heard two blocks away, but she was extremely affectionate and her falling-asleep sighs were the best sound ever. She could fix you with her blue and brown eyed stare, suggesting annoyance and even contempt, but then look at you the next minute like the 8 pound puppy you fell in love with almost fifteen years ago. She withstood hook worm, scabies, two knee replacements and ultimately-debilitating arthritis, and never stopped retrieving, barking and watching the house. She underwent surgery, hydrotherapy, injections and acupuncture and put up with an army of doctors, techs and therapists without complaint. She would fight with her pack and then curl up against them to fall asleep. She chewed, barked, dug, scratched and then chewed, barked, dug and scratched again. And she was perfect. A perfect beauty. A perfect muse. A perfect companion. The most amazing dog ever.