Online Mememorials


2007 - 2020

On May 19th, 2007, we met our counter soul in the sweetest calico kitten that ever was to be. She stole our hearts from the minute we laid eyes on her. She was in a cage with so many other kittens at the Humane Society but we knew. We knew she was meant for us. She reached her tiny little paw up through the cage towards her daddy and he said "I want that one". It was instant and it was love.

Never have we experienced such love and such a bond so fierce and so strong from a being so small. She was a whole of ten pounds but her presence was immense. Everyone who met her loved her! I know that we are biased but it is true. We lost count of all of the times that we beamed with parental pride when a family member, friend, or veterinarian told us how sweet she was.

She was chatty and in her youth played fetch with a rubberband which just happened to be her most favorite toy. Privacy was not a boundary she respected. Did she want into the bathroom with us at all times? Of course! Her favorite place to sleep was on her momma's pillow or her daddy's side.

We moved through 13 glorious, heartfelt years together as a family. Looking back now, our time together seems so short, and yet it also seems like there was never a moment you weren't there. In truth, we would have bargained anything for 10 more lifetimes with you but even still that wouldn't be enough.

In the end, cancer was taking you from us so quickly. We wanted more time. We weren't ready. You, our precious girl, felt like water slipping through our fingers. So, we held you close through your last breaths on the morning after a great day. We lit candles for you and played soft music. We told you it was okay even as our hearts were breaking open. We will look for you in the soft morning sunshine and listen for your purrs as you walk towards us at night. We will love and miss you always.